The first Shred Ready Surf Fitness session blasted off last month in the heart of East London, Brick Lane, and I am super excited to announce the next date! Whether you're a seasoned or novice surfer who spends plenty or not quite enough time in the water (like some of us land-locked surfers!), Shred Ready: Surf Fitness is a bespoke workout that will improve your stamina and conditioning with highly targeted movements that work to boost your performance and ultimately enjoyment in the water.  

Focussing  on the critical factors crucial to developing your dynamic surfing ability, we will be looking at:

-Improving your dynamic surfing focussing on honing power movements including pop ups and cutbacks, even laybacks

-Flexibility - improving your range of movement and mobility and protecting against injury

-Balance - enhancing your ability to stabilise and maintain positions

-Understanding your surfing movements and the muscle groups that drive them- sharpening fast-twitch muscle fibres  and muscle memory

-Targeted strengthening exercises and movements to boost power and condition

-Aerobic fitness - conditioning the heart and muscle tone, paddle stronger and tire less

My friends over at Quiksilver and Roxy will be hosting us in their awesome digs in Shoreditch. Full details below:

DATE: 15th June

LOCATION: Quiksilver Showroom, Shoreditch *

TIME: Arrive 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start.  One hour workout, 15 minutes stretch, followed by drinks and a tour of the Quiksilver, DC and Roxy Showroom. Around 1:45 minutes in total.

PRICE: £15 pre-pay via Bank Transfer

INCLUDED: One hour workout plus 15 minute stretching, a free drink (beer or turbo-charged green & ginger juice to replenish your body) all set to an awesome surf-infused playlist with big screen surf flicks playing in the background

BRING: Wear fitness gear/trainers, stoke and a smile, a water bottle

Email me at to sign up - places are extremely limited so get in quick! We do monthly sessions and I'll announce the next dates to sign-up to soon, INCLUDING outdoor sessions for the summer!

Thanks and see you soon!

* Full address disclosed after booking is complete

Cruise to my Instagram @sophieeverard for more fitness, adventure, surfing and radness!
