Shred Ready: Surf Fitness workout at the Chillhouse Canggu!

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Whilst staying at the EPIC surf-yoga/bike-all-round epicentre of radness in Bali, The Chillhouse (stay tuned for a trip report soon), I filmed a special workout from my bespoke Shred Ready: Surf Fitness workout that some of you may have already attended live at my bootcamps, or followed on my blog.

Shred Ready: Surf Fitness is a bespoke workout that improves your stamina and conditioning with highly targeted movements that work to boost your performance and ultimately enjoyment in the water.  

The programme looks at working on developing the specific power, proprioceptive ability, endurance and strength needed for surfing, and you can do it from anywhere, no equipment needed:

-Improving your dynamic surfing focussing on honing power movements including pop ups and cutbacks, even laybacks

-Flexibility - improving your range of movement and mobility and protecting against injury

-Balance - enhancing your ability to stabilise and maintain positions

-Understanding your surfing movements and the muscle groups that drive them- sharpening fast-twitch muscle fibres and muscle memory

-Targeted strengthening exercises and movements to boost power and condition

-Aerobic fitness - conditioning the heart and muscle tone, paddle stronger and tire less

Check out the workout below for a Chillhouse special Shred Ready: Surf Fit workout!

Do 15 reps of each exercise, with a 30 second rest in between, before repeating 2 more times.

-push up with clap

-clock lunges

-opening and closing the book

-forward lunge with twist


With thanks to The Chillhouse