A Throwback Thursday to a killer all-womens surf flick

Some four years ago the now defunct Nike 6.0 assembled the veritable who's who of women's surfing including current (3x) World Champion Carissa Moore, Malia Manuel, Lakey Peterson and Laura Enever into an all-star surf team.  Hot on the heels of the team formation came Leave A Message, the Jason Kenworthy directed all-girl shred flick which blew a multitude of minds and heralded the nu-wave of all-ripping, balls-to-the wall charging, aerial specialist girl surfers.

I'm pretty sure I watched this movie at least 10 times, and 4 years later it still freakin' stokes me out.  Even more so when I think how much MORE women's surfing has progressed since then!  Whether you're a guy or a girl, if you dig surfing I'm sure you'll appreciate this for what it is, a killer display of kick-ass surfing.  My favourite section with Laura Enever (soundtracked by the mighty Le Tigre) is a 3 minute banger you can check out below, followed by the full movie.  Enjoy!!