Hardcore Cardio Workout From Your Garden or Living Room


CARDIO Workout With No Space

Limited Space? Doesn't matter, here's a cardio workout to get you SWEATING using just your garden / living room space!

Start with a good mobility warm up and get your heart rate going.

Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, then15 seconds rest. 4 rounds of this will have you working for 24 minutes. Beginners start out at 30 seconds ⚡

➡️ Burpees with tuck jump
Start standing with your feet hip-width apart. Jump your feet back under your hips into a squat position, then immediately explode upwards in a tuck jump, driving your knees towards your chest. Jump as high as you can, raising your knees up, and then try to land softly with bent knees

➡️ Long Jump
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Swing arms back behind body as you bend your knees and push your hips back. Swing arms forward as you drive your feet into the ground, push hips forward, and explode forward off the ground. Land on feet and drop back down into the starting position

➡️Lateral Sprint. Execute this fast, a fantastic exercise to develop speed and agility. Keeping tight core and a soft bend in the knee, sit your hips back, and take a light sideways hop to the right.
Reach your left hand toward your right foot, touch the ground.Bring yourself back up, hop sideways to the left, reaching your right hand toward your left foot

➡️ 4 mountain climbers 2 thrusters
Start in plank, shoulders over hands and weight on just your toes. With core engaged, bring right knee forward under chest, with the toes just off the ground. Return to basic plank. Switch legs, bringing left knee forward.Switch legs & begin to pick up the pace. Execute 4, then from plank drive feet forward outside hands to perform 2 thrusters

➡️ Sprint on spot
With feet hip-width apart and arms by your sides, keep your back straight and head up. Start running on spot until you are sprinting.

➡️Speed Skaters
Start with legs slightly wider than shoulder distance apart, arms at the sides. Bring one leg behind at slight angle. Swing arms in front of that bent knee and leap the back leg forward to switch sides in a skating motion. Arms alternate