Alternative Wellness: An Introduction Into Witchcraft: Spell Jars With Psychic Now


An Introduction Into Witchcraft: Spell Jars!

Spell Jars are an easy way to explore Magick and Witchcraft. They have become increasingly popular through TikTokNot only are these little bottles cute to make, but they are a great way to focus on manifestations and intentions for the next month. Create them for yourself or gift them to a friend you know is struggling.

Spell Jars - The Basics!

Before we get started on 3 easy recipes for powerful yet straightforward Spell Jars, let's run through some basics:

  • It’s best to create these on a full moon as it is a time of heightened energy in the atmosphere.

  • Focus on intentions every step of the way and in every action - ideally, say it aloud as you add each ingredient.

  • Finish each jar by dripping candle wax over the seal to trap in all those intentions and magic! Don’t forget to say your intention in this step.

  • Think of this as an activity for yourself - get into a meditative and relaxed mindset.

  • Find a safe space where you won’t be interrupted.

  • Cleanse the environment, bottles and ingredients using smoke (incense, palo santo or sage) or sound (bells or singing bowls).


The Happiness Jar

  • Rock Salt - this kitchen staple ingredient will be the base of all three jars. It helps to cleanse as well as having protective and healing qualities.

  • Cinnamon - this helps to manifest creativity.

  • It is generally good to fill this jar with yellow or orange objects and herbs, which are the colours of happiness.

  • Citrine Stone - this stone is believed to radiate positive energy and happiness by carrying the sun's power.


The Wealth Jar

  • Rock Salt.

  • Basil - this common herb promotes wealth.

  • Bay Leaf - try and sum up your intention in one word and write it on the bay leaf. You can use a piece of paper or a petal also.

  • Green Aventurine - this is known as a stone of opportunity and is believed to attract abundance, wealth and prosperity into our lives.


The Self Love Jar

  • Rock Salt.

  • Lavender - this aids relaxation, promoting time for self-care and expels anxiety from one’s life.

  • Rose Petals - promotes confidence, as well as seeing the beauty in one’s self and others.

  • Rosemary - this is considered a herb of purification. It stops negative thoughts, which can lead to self-depreciation as well as speaking badly of others.

  • Rose Quartz - the crystal that encourages self-love, as well as attracting the love of others


Thank you for Reading

This article is written by Lucy Wilson, from PsychicToday. Check the website to find professionals who can help you along your spiritual journey!